• 09495476468
  • info@fmtcmylapore.com
  • Mylapore, Umayanalloor, Kollam.

NCTE Approval

The College was accorded recognition by the National Council for Teacher Education for sanction of B.Ed course , vie order No.FKL/SEC/N/172/SRO/NCTE/2004-2005/907 dtd.25-02-2005.

The strength of the College and Optional Subjects

The intake is in the following six optional subjects prescribed for the B.Ed. Degree Course.

»English (5 Merit and 8 Management)»Malayalam (4 Merit and 3 Management)
»Mathematics (4 Merit and 3 Management)»Natural Science (3 Merit and 4 Management)
»Physical Science (4 Merit and 4 Management)»Social science (4 Merit and 4 Management)

 Eligibility for Admission

 B.Ed Course

Candidates should have passed the B.A /B.Sc degree examination under the 10+2+3 pattern with one main subject and two subsidiary subjects, from any of the Universities in Kerala or of any other university recognized by any of the universities in kerala as equivalent there to for admission, subject to the stipulation regarding marks.

The minimum requirement of marks for admission to B.Ed course is 50% in bachelors degree (Science /Arts Subjects) in aggregate (ie for part 1+2+3 or 50% for part 3).

The different optional subjects offered are English, Malayalam, Hindi, Arabic, Tamil, Sanskrit, Urdu (Languages). Mathematics, Physical Science, Natural Science,Social science, Geography, Commerce, Information technology, Computer Sciences.

Candidates who have secured M.Com degree with not less than 45% marks are eligible for admission to the B.Ed Course in Commerce.For Information Technology and Computer Science MCA/M Sc.Computer science with a minimum of 45% marks.

The Syllabus and its Transaction

The B. Ed Syllabus of the University of Kerala is transacted by giving equal importance to both theory and practical.

Scheme of assessment –Total -for theory and practical
Semester I

ITheoretical base of education2 hours502070
IIPsychological base of education2 hours502070
IIIAssociate subjects – Education Technology and Educational Evaluation2 hours502070
IVTheoretical base of teaching2 hours502070
VPrinciples of pedagogical analysis2 hours50——50
Health and physical Education—–—–2020
Teaching practice—–—–5050

Semester II

VITheoretical base of Education-National2 hours502070
VIITheories of learning2 hours502070
VIIIAssociate subjects: Educational management and Environmental education2 hours502070
IXModern instructional strategies2 hours502070
XPedagogical analysis of syllabus2 hours5050
Sports and games—-—-2020
Teaching practice—-—–250250
Grand total (semester I + semester II )5005001000

Break up of Grand Total 1000 marks into Theory, Teaching Practice and Practicum

ItemSemester ISemester IITotalNote
Theory250250500papers of 50 marks each
Teaching practice50250300

Scheme of Assessment of Practicals –Teaching practice

Semester I50No Standardisation50
Semester II150Standardisation by the board150

Allotment of marks for Lesson Plans, Tests and Records

Lesson Plans, Tests, Records80By the Board80
Teaching aids used15By the Board15
Other records5By the Board5

NCTE Approval for B.Ed (1 Unit)

The College was accorded recognition by the National Council for Teacher Education for sanction of B.Ed course , vie order F.No/SRC/NCTE/ APS00483/KL/2015-16/64789.

The new 2 year B.Ed curriculum, Syllabus, Seats and Evaluation Download 

Daily Routine

Every working day starts with assembly comprising of morning prayer followed by pledge taking, news reading (English and Malayalam) .Thought for each day is presented by teacher trainees,general knowledge session,celebration of special days and events etc. The assembly is concluded by the Principal’s message.


We are happy that we are able to produce cent percent result for the B.Ed.Degree Examinations of the University of Kerala.We could produce ten ranks in various subjects since 2005 on wads.The last years result was note worthy(2021-23 academic year). All students scored distinction and a student in English optional got Third rank in Kerala University B.Ed. examination.